Monday, October 20, 2008

Speak Mercy.

I love Mercy Ministries! Mercy is a Christian organization that reaches out to the hopeless and hurting with the love and acceptance of Christ! They have homes throughout the United States and internationally as well. These homes welcome young ladies ages 13-28 who are struggling with life controlling issues such as, eating disorders, abuse, depression, unwanted pregnancies, and more.

These girls come to Mercy free of charge and live there for about 6 months. They are able to receive counseling, nutrition help, schooling, and they experience the love of Jesus Christ. I have been able to visit Mercy on several occasions and I can say that MERCY WORKS! Girls who come in broken and hurting leave healed and restored! They provide safety, love and HOPE!

We have been talking about Signs of Hope at The Branch lately, and MERCY IS A SIGN OF HOPE to me! Proof that God is still working in and through people who are surrendered and yielded to Him! The girls at Mercy inspire me, they are true heroes, people who move beyond their circumstances and learn to live a life full of the grace and power of God!

No matter what we go through in life, our God is stronger, bigger and better! He has a plan for us beyond anything we can even imagine! That's huge! He is faithful to carry us through and He is so incredibly good!

Thanks Mercy for saving lives and restoring hope!

For more info about Mercy Ministries, visit their website: and you can visit their video blog here.

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