Friday, August 14, 2009

Putting My Life On Hold?

I have heard a variety of responses from people about my moving to Guatemala to be a missionary, but there is one that I have been pondering a lot lately. Several people have commented on how great it is that I am willing to put my life on hold to go serve people in another country. I completely understand what they mean when they say it, as there are many other things that I could be doing, but there are plenty of other things that everyone could be doing, right?

The thing is that when you are following God's plan for your life and you are pursuing Him, then it doesn't matter where you go, what you are doing, or what you are "giving up," you will not be putting your life on hold. I know this to be a fact! In the beautiful surrender of laying down my desires, my plans, my selfishness, I find that instead of putting my life on hold, or giving up everything, that I am in fact walking into an abundance of life, of sheer joy and complete peace. It is so wonderful!

It is hard to explain exactly what I mean, but I would suppose that it is similar to the feeling of joy that comes with parenthood. Well, I am not a parent, so this is totally based on my observations and on what I hope to feel when I am a mother, so we'll see... I know that parents sacrifice a lot for their children, I know mine did, and I am sure that there are plenty of other things that a parent could do with their time, money, and possessions, but something about seeing their children grow and learn and fulfill their dreams, becomes their life, they find great joy in them, and they know that no matter the sacrifices that they had to make, that they wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. I sure hope that makes sense, but that is how it is for me. I know that I may not have the typical life, that there are conveniences that I am going to be giving up, that there will likely be times where I wonder what I was thinking, but in the midst of it, I will know deep down inside, that this was meant to be.

I truly believe that the plans that God has for us are good. That He exceeds our hopes and dreams, and that He has an amazing way of giving us the best surprises! So, here I am so excited to be walking into this new season of life, savoring each moment, and knowing that in Him comes the fullness of joy!

1 comment:

Bonita said...

Well said! You are not putting your life on hold, you're actively moving into the next phase God has for you! And it's a great one!